
Mardin-Ceylanpınar Plains Irrigation

Mardin-Ceylanpınar Plains Irrigation The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) was planned to carry the water from Atatürk Dam from Şanlıurfa to Mardin with the main canal line that will bring together the water of the Mardin Plain and the Euphrates. CLIENT : General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works LOCATION : Mardin, Şanlıurfa Mardin-Ceylanpınar Plains Irrigation Project […]

Samur-Apsheron Irrigation System

Samur-Apsheron Irrigation System Integrated water management for Azerbaijan and water resources management for the most important sectors in need of water: drinking water, agriculture and energy. CLIENT : Azerbaijan Ministerial Committee of Land Reclamation and Water Usage LOCATION : Azerbaijan Samur-Apsheron Irrigation System Project comprises upgrading existing 184 km main canal in Samur-Apsheron system, construction […]

Lower Cekerek – Kazankaya Weir and Geldingen Plain Irrigation

Lower Cekerek – Kazankaya Weir and Geldingen Plain Irrigation Smart irrigation systems implementation projects were prepared for the Lower Çekerek irrigation areas. CLIENT : 7th Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works LOCATION : Çorum, Yozgat, Amasya Lower Cekerek – Kazankaya Weir and Geldingen Plain Irrigation Project covers detailed design for 19,000 hectares of piped irrigation […]

Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Pumped Irrigation

Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Pumped Irrigation One of Turkey’s most important irrigation projects has been prepared. CLIENT : General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works LOCATION : Şanlıurfa Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Pumped Irrigation Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Pumped Irrigation Project is part of Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP). 35,558 ha of land will be irrigated by means of Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Pumped Irrigation Project.Viranşehir Irrigation main canals […]

Altınkaya Dam and HPP

Altınkaya Dam and HPP Altınkaya Dam and HEPP, the 6th highest dam in Turkey, was realized by contributing to all phases from planning to construction supervision, including the detailed design phase. CLIENT : General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works LOCATION : Samsun Altınkaya Dam and HPP Altınkaya Dam is located on Kızılırmak River. The dam […]

Revised Rehabilitation Design of Melen Dam

Revised Rehabilitation Design of Melen Dam Melen Dam is being reinforced to solve Istanbul’s water problem. CLIENT : General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works LOCATION : Sakarya Revised Rehabilitation Design of Melen Dam Performing and interpreting detailed 2D and 3D static and dynamic analyses of the revised rehabilitation projects developed in line with the geotechnical […]

Identification of Possible Earthquake Damages on Dams Supplying Potable Water for Istanbul

Identification of Possible Earthquake Damages on Dams Supplying Potable Water for Istanbul The aim is to ensure the safety of the dams supplying drinking water for Istanbul. CLIENT : General Directorate of İstanbul Water and Sewage Administration LOCATION : İstanbul Identification of Possible Earthquake Damages on Dams Supplying Potable Water for Istanbul Emergency preparedness plans […]