Dam safety is being studied for 36 dams in Sri Lanka.

Ministry of Irrıgation



Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment and Preparation of O&M Plans and EPPs for Identified Dams in Sri-Lanka

The scope of this consultancy is developing of dam safety risk assessment for the dams selected under the project and followed by preparing and updating Operation and Maintenance Plans (O&M) and Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPP) for the High and medium risk dams. A more systematic and comprehensive Portfolio Risk Assessment (PRA) and Portfolio Risk Management (PRM) system is introduced for dam safety risk assessment.

Services Provided

• Development of the Risk Index (RI) Scheme for the national portfolio risk assessment
• Dam Breach & Consequence Assessment for medium / high risk dams
• Potential Failure Mode Analysis (PFMA) for high-risk dams
• Quantitative Risk Assessment for high-risk dams
• Training and Capacity Building of GoSL Institutions