Irrigation projects were rehabilitated in agricultural areas where 55% of Turkey’s fresh apricot production is produced.

9th Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works



Malatya Plains Irrigation Rehabilitation

The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate 9 big irrigation plains of Malatya Plains with a total size of 75,791 ha, which were opened to operation on various dates between 1949 and 1991 within the borders of Malatya province. (Akcadag, Dogansehir-Obakoy, Polat, Sahnahan, Sucatı, Sultansuyu, Yazıhan, Derme) by converting current classical (open channel) type irrigation system to piped network system. Water supply calculations were made for 7 dams (5 existing, 2 in feasibility stage), 2 small dams (1 in current, 1 in feasibility stage) and 7 barrages and groundwater resources which constitute the water source of the projects. Preliminary design of piped conveyance & network of irrigation systems have been prepared. An integrated hydraulic system model is prepared to simulate reservoir operation modelling by WEAP software.

Services Provided

• Bathymetric mapping studies of reservoirs
• Hydrology Reports covering water budget, flood rates and optimum dam reservoir operation studies
• Geotechnical and Geological Survey Reports and Natural Building Materials Reports Agricultural Economics, Expropriation and Water Rights Reports
• Soil Resources and Drainage Reports
• ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment) Report analysing potential effects of project to the environmental system and project affected people
• Rehabilitation Technical Reports covering technical analysis and modernization of existing irrigation systems
• Feasibility Report by considering technical, social, economic and financial analyses with different performance indicators (for with and without project conditions)
• Geographical Information Systems studies (GIS)