Depending on the dam break analysis of Sivas 4 Eylül Dam, projects for precautions were presented.

19th Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works



Downstream Reach Regulation of Sivas Dört Eylül Dam

Sivas Dört Eylül dam is constructed upstream of Sivas city, the river runs throuh the settlement and discharges to Kızılırmak river. The project aims preparation of flood hazard maps for the main reach and its tributaries, identification of measures to control the floods, feasibility report and detailed design of proposed structures. 2-D hydraulic modeling is used for determination of flooded lands for different frequency floods, dam break analysis is performed as well.

Sunulan Hizmetler

• Flood hydrology
• Aerial mapping
• 2-D flood hydraulics by Mike-2D software
• Feasibility report
• Detailed design of river reach rehabilitation and appurtenant structures like bridges, crossings etc.
• Emergency preparedness plan for Sivas city