A drinking water supply project is being prepared for the Bukhara region in Uzbekistan.

JSC “Uzsuvtaminot”


Uzbekhistan, Buhara

Detailed Design and Estimate Documentation for Construction Works by Water Supply System in Uzbekhistan

Bukhara region, which has a population of 1.9 million people, has been identified by the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a priority region in terms of infrastructure development and increasing access to water supply and sanitation services. The result of the project is improved management of water supply systems in Kagan, Karaulbazar, Ramitan, Peshku, Bukhara, Jandar districts and cities of Bukhara and Kagan of Bukhara region to provide the reconstruction of 1 pumping station, Shahrud junction, 28 water distribution units (WDU), 729.4 km of internal networks, 46.0 km of water pipelines, as well as the construction of 15 WDU, 961.9 km of internal networks, 509.7 km supply lines, procurement of equipment and decommissioning of obsolete components.

Services Provided

• Engineering design services (FIDIC Red Book)
• Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)
• Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs)
• Resettlement Plans (RPs) and Gender Action Plan
• Procurement plan
• Technical specifications and bill of quantities
• Author supervision services