İklim Değişikliği
Construction Supervision of 4 Villages’ Flood and Sedimentation Control (5th Group)

Construction Supervision of 4 Villages’ Flood and Sedimentation Control (5th Group)

Reclamation of Treated Wastewaters in Sakarya Wastewater Treatment Plant

Reclamation of Treated Wastewaters in Sakarya Wastewater Treatment Plant

Operational Design and Business Model – Pakistan

Operational Design and Business Model – Pakistan

Bulk Water Supply Master Plan and Water Harvesting Master Plan in the West Bank

Bulk Water Supply Master Plan and Water Harvesting Master Plan in the West Bank

Reclamation of Treated Wastewaters in Kilis Wastewater Treatment Plant

Reclamation of Treated Wastewaters in Kilis Wastewater Treatment Plant

Eskişehir Wastewater Treatment Plant

Eskişehir Wastewater Treatment Plant

Identification of Possible Earthquake Damages on Dams Supplying Potable Water for Istanbul

Identification of Possible Earthquake Damages on Dams Supplying Potable Water for Istanbul

Bulk Water Supply Master Plan and Water Harvesting Master Plan in the West Bank

Bulk Water Supply Master Plan and Water Harvesting Master Plan in the West Bank

Detailed Design and Estimate Documentation for Construction Works by Water Supply System in Uzbekhistan

Detailed Design and Estimate Documentation for Construction Works by Water Supply System in Uzbekhistan

Rural Water Supply Project in Albania

Rural Water Supply Project in Albania

Drinking Water Safety Plan from Source to Tap for Gaziantep Province

Drinking Water Safety Plan from Source to Tap for Gaziantep Province

Cumhuriyet Water Treatment Plant, Phase 2

Cumhuriyet Water Treatment Plant, Phase 2

Operational Design and Business Model – Pakistan

Operational Design and Business Model – Pakistan

Bodrum Peninsula Urgent Water Supply Project

Bodrum Peninsula Urgent Water Supply Project

Ankara Water Supply Project – Gerede System

Ankara Water Supply Project – Gerede System

Greater Istanbul Water Supply Project II.Stage-Yeşilçay System

Greater Istanbul Water Supply Project II.Stage-Yeşilçay System

İzmir Water Supply, Gördes-Çağlayan Project

İzmir Water Supply, Gördes-Çağlayan Project

Revised Rehabilitation Design of Melen Dam

Revised Rehabilitation Design of Melen Dam

Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment and Preparation of O&M Plans and EPPs for Identified Dams in Sri-Lanka

Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment and Preparation of O&M Plans and EPPs for Identified Dams in Sri-Lanka

TA for Preparation of Erosion Protection Plans and Technical Design Documentation for Flood-Protecting Infrastructure for Selected Priority Areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina

TA for Preparation of Erosion Protection Plans and Technical Design Documentation for Flood-Protecting Infrastructure for Selected Priority Areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Flood Management Plans for Euphrates and Tigris Sub Basins

Flood Management Plans for Euphrates and Tigris Sub Basins

Flood Management Plans for Antalya Basin

Flood Management Plans for Antalya Basin

Flood Hazard Maps for Berdan River

Flood Hazard Maps for Berdan River

Downstream Reach Regulation of Sivas Dört Eylül Dam

Downstream Reach Regulation of Sivas Dört Eylül Dam

Flood Management Plans for Euphrates and Tigris Sub Basins

Flood Management Plans for Euphrates and Tigris Sub Basins

Drinking Water Safety Plan from Source to Tap for Gaziantep Province

Drinking Water Safety Plan from Source to Tap for Gaziantep Province

Construction Supervision of 4 Villages’ Flood and Sedimentation Control (5th Group)

Construction Supervision of 4 Villages’ Flood and Sedimentation Control (5th Group)

Flood Management Plans for Antalya Basin

Flood Management Plans for Antalya Basin

Malatya Plains Irrigation Rehabilitation

Malatya Plains Irrigation Rehabilitation

Pakistan – Irrigation

Pakistan – Irrigation

Mardin-Ceylanpınar Plains Irrigation

Mardin-Ceylanpınar Plains Irrigation

The Restoration and Development of Amelioration and Water Management Complex in Agdam Region

The Restoration and Development of Amelioration and Water Management Complex in Agdam Region

Samur-Apsheron Irrigation System

Samur-Apsheron Irrigation System

The Restoration and Development of Amelioration and Water Management Complex in Qubadlı

The Restoration and Development of Amelioration and Water Management Complex in Qubadlı

Lower Cekerek – Kazankaya Weir and Geldingen Plain Irrigation

Lower Cekerek – Kazankaya Weir and Geldingen Plain Irrigation

Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Pumped Irrigation

Şanlıurfa-Viranşehir Pumped Irrigation

Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment and Preparation of O&M Plans and EPPs for Identified Dams in Sri-Lanka

Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment and Preparation of O&M Plans and EPPs for Identified Dams in Sri-Lanka

Altınkaya Dam and HPP

Altınkaya Dam and HPP

Revised Rehabilitation Design of Melen Dam

Revised Rehabilitation Design of Melen Dam

Identification of Possible Earthquake Damages on Dams Supplying Potable Water for Istanbul

Identification of Possible Earthquake Damages on Dams Supplying Potable Water for Istanbul

Hasan Uğurlu Dam and HPP

Hasan Uğurlu Dam and HPP

Kahramanmaraş-Helete (Düzbağ) Dam

Kahramanmaraş-Helete (Düzbağ) Dam

Altıparmak Dam and HPP

Altıparmak Dam and HPP

Bulut and Yağmur Dams and HPPs

Bulut and Yağmur Dams and HPPs

Downstream Reach Regulation of Sivas Dört Eylül Dam

Downstream Reach Regulation of Sivas Dört Eylül Dam

First Projects

First Projects

In the panel titled “Water Resources and Reconstruction Works of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur Economic Regions”

In the panel titled “Water Resources and Reconstruction Works of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur Economic Regions”

“First Dam & HPP Design Project

“First Dam & HPP Design Project

We are thrilled to announce that we have completed another phase of our project in Pakistan, Punjab Urban Development Project (PRF) – Operational Design and Business Model (ODBM), which we carried out in a Joint Venture with @Alter Uluslararası Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik Hiz. A.Ş.

We are thrilled to announce that we have completed another phase of our project in Pakistan, Punjab Urban Development Project (PRF) – Operational Design and Business Model (ODBM), which we carried out in a Joint Venture with @Alter Uluslararası Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik Hiz. A.Ş.

Within the scope of our Sri Lanka project “Consultancy Services of Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment

Within the scope of our Sri Lanka project “Consultancy Services of Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment

Within the scope of our Sri Lanka project “Consultancy Services of Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment, Preparation of Operation and Maintenance

Within the scope of our Sri Lanka project “Consultancy Services of Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment, Preparation of Operation and Maintenance

Our Nakhchivan and Eastern Zangezur campaigns were carried out under the leadership of the Azerbaijan Franchising Association

Our Nakhchivan and Eastern Zangezur campaigns were carried out under the leadership of the Azerbaijan Franchising Association

Our new contract in Sri Lanka, “Consultancy Services of Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment, Preparation of Operation and Maintenance

Our new contract in Sri Lanka, “Consultancy Services of Dams Portfolio Risk Assessment, Preparation of Operation and Maintenance

We hosted the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey

We hosted the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey

Moments from our pleasant dinner event, which we organized on January 18, 2024, in the nice garden of our Lahore, Pakistan office

Moments from our pleasant dinner event, which we organized on January 18, 2024, in the nice garden of our Lahore, Pakistan office

Regarding our ongoing project “Preparation of feasibility studies and design documentation for the restoration and development of the amelioration and water management complex of Qubadli

Regarding our ongoing project “Preparation of feasibility studies and design documentation for the restoration and development of the amelioration and water management complex of Qubadli

The impact of climate change on water resources and the adaptation of water-dependent sectors are crucial considerations. Another project we completed in 2023

The impact of climate change on water resources and the adaptation of water-dependent sectors are crucial considerations. Another project we completed in 2023

Meeting of the Environmental Issues Working Group of the Inter-Ministerial Center operating in connection with the Coordination Headquarters,

Meeting of the Environmental Issues Working Group of the Inter-Ministerial Center operating in connection with the Coordination Headquarters,

With the joint organisation of SETAN Engineering, KUTAY Construction and SUİŞ PROJE and the participation of SANGARI Engineering,

With the joint organisation of SETAN Engineering, KUTAY Construction and SUİŞ PROJE and the participation of SANGARI Engineering,

The Republic of Turkey, Consul General in Lahore, H.E. Mr. Durmuş Baştuğ and our Lahore Trade Attaché, H.E. Mr. Nurettin Demir visited our Lahore Office

The Republic of Turkey, Consul General in Lahore, H.E. Mr. Durmuş Baştuğ and our Lahore Trade Attaché, H.E. Mr. Nurettin Demir visited our Lahore Office

We successfully held the closing meeting for the “Sectoral Water Allocation Plan Preparation Project in the Western Mediterranean Basin” in Muğla. In this project

We successfully held the closing meeting for the “Sectoral Water Allocation Plan Preparation Project in the Western Mediterranean Basin” in Muğla. In this project

Our ongoing project in Azerbaijan, the Preparation of feasibility studies and project documents for the restoration and development of the amelioration and water management complex of the Gubadli

Our ongoing project in Azerbaijan, the Preparation of feasibility studies and project documents for the restoration and development of the amelioration and water management complex of the Gubadli

The Opening meeting of the “Gaziantep Province Drinking&Potable Water Safety Plan Project” was held

The Opening meeting of the “Gaziantep Province Drinking&Potable Water Safety Plan Project” was held

Diversion Weir And 144 Km Long Transmission Line In Düzbağ-Gaziantep Drinking Water System Are Put Into Service

Diversion Weir And 144 Km Long Transmission Line In Düzbağ-Gaziantep Drinking Water System Are Put Into Service

Burdur Ağlasun District Irrigations Evaluation Meeting Was Held

Burdur Ağlasun District Irrigations Evaluation Meeting Was Held

The Final Meeting Of Euphrates – Tigris Basins Euphrates Subbasin Flood Management Plan Was Held

The Final Meeting Of Euphrates – Tigris Basins Euphrates Subbasin Flood Management Plan Was Held

Konya Closed Basin Master Plan

Konya Closed Basin Master Plan

Dsı 21st Regional Directorate Consultancy And Supervision Service 6. Group

Dsı 21st Regional Directorate Consultancy And Supervision Service 6. Group

Bulk Water Supply Master Plan and Water Harvesting Master Plan in the West Bank

Bulk Water Supply Master Plan and Water Harvesting Master Plan in the West Bank

Northern Egea Water Allocation Project

Northern Egea Water Allocation Project

Antalya Basin Groundwater Planning and Hydrogeological Survey

Antalya Basin Groundwater Planning and Hydrogeological Survey

Susurluk Basin Master Plan

Susurluk Basin Master Plan

GAP Batman-Silvan Project

GAP Batman-Silvan Project

Lower Dalaman Basin Master Plan

Lower Dalaman Basin Master Plan

Küçük Menderes Havzası Master Plan

Küçük Menderes Havzası Master Plan

Western Mediterenian Water Allocation Project

Western Mediterenian Water Allocation Project

“First Dam & HPP Supervision Project

“First Dam & HPP Supervision Project

“The  5th biggest HPP in Turkey

“The 5th biggest HPP in Turkey