1th Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works
Kütahya, Bursa, Balıkesir
Susurluk basin has a catchment area around 24,300 km2 discharging to Marmara Sea. Project covers Water Resources Management studies of the basin in the context of quality and quantity of surface water and groundwater resources, water demand analysis of the basin, inventory of existing systems, feasibility analysis of interbasin water transfers, catchment management studies.
• Determination of present and future water usage
• Hydrological modelling for determination of inflows and flood discharges throughout the basin.
• Determination of irrigation, potable and industrial water potential and needs
• Determination of energy potential and water rights
• Feasibility analysis of interbasin water transfers
• Water Resources Management and Optimization
• Determination of flood prone areas, preparation of flood maps, channel improvement studies, proposal of flood infrastructure and river restoration to mitigate flooding problems
• Determination of sediment and erosion sensitive areas in the basin and analysis of sediment impacts
• New project proposals (dams, tunnels, intakes, channels, drainage structures, etc.) for flood mitigation,
energy production, drinking and irrigation water supply purposes
• Preparation of integrated operation studies (WEAP) for allocating existing and future water requirements
and maximizing hydropower production
SUİŞ PROJE haritalama, jeolojik, temel ve malzeme etüdü gibi ana verilerin toplanmasından fizibilite (planlama), proje tasarımı, sözleşme belgelerinin hazırlanması ve değerlendirilmesi, yüklenici seçimi ve inşaat denetimi, işletme yönetimi ve sistem araştırmasına kadar geniş bir yelpazede hizmet veriyor, dünya çapındaki projelere uzman mühendislik ve danışmanlık hizmetleri sunuyoruz.
Telif Hakkı © 2024 SUİŞ Proje Tüm hakları saklıdır.