9th Regional Directorate of State Hydraulic Works
The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate 9 big irrigation plains of Malatya Plains with a total size of 75,791 ha, which were opened to operation on various dates between 1949 and 1991 within the borders of Malatya province. (Akcadag, Dogansehir-Obakoy, Polat, Sahnahan, Sucatı, Sultansuyu, Yazıhan, Derme) by converting current classical (open channel) type irrigation system to piped network system. Water supply calculations were made for 7 dams (5 existing, 2 in feasibility stage), 2 small dams (1 in current, 1 in feasibility stage) and 7 barrages and groundwater resources which constitute the water source of the projects. Preliminary design of piped conveyance & network of irrigation systems have been prepared. An integrated hydraulic system model is prepared to simulate reservoir operation modelling by WEAP software.
• Bathymetric mapping studies of reservoirs
• Hydrology Reports covering water budget, flood rates and optimum dam reservoir operation studies
• Geotechnical and Geological Survey Reports and Natural Building Materials Reports Agricultural Economics, Expropriation and Water Rights Reports
• Soil Resources and Drainage Reports
• ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment) Report analysing potential effects of project to the environmental system and project affected people
• Rehabilitation Technical Reports covering technical analysis and modernization of existing irrigation systems
• Feasibility Report by considering technical, social, economic and financial analyses with different performance indicators (for with and without project conditions)
• Geographical Information Systems studies (GIS)
SUİŞ PROJE haritalama, jeolojik, temel ve malzeme etüdü gibi ana verilerin toplanmasından fizibilite (planlama), proje tasarımı, sözleşme belgelerinin hazırlanması ve değerlendirilmesi, yüklenici seçimi ve inşaat denetimi, işletme yönetimi ve sistem araştırmasına kadar geniş bir yelpazede hizmet veriyor, dünya çapındaki projelere uzman mühendislik ve danışmanlık hizmetleri sunuyoruz.
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